Global Projects
Connected across the world through HOPE

“Each one of us matters, has a role to play, and makes a difference. Each one of us must take responsibility for our own lives, and above all, show respect and love for living things around us, especially each other.”
― Jane Goodall, Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey
Roots & Shoots groups across the world participate in global campaigns and projects which connects each of us through the hope of creating a better world together, no matter your location. These include celebrating International Peace Day, global clean-ups on World Environment Day, or empahsising the need to protect our chimps and wildlife on World Chimpanzee Day. Take a look at some of the projects that Roots & Shoots groups across the world have done!

Roots & Shoots members celebrate the 2015 Day of Peace by flying a giant Peace Dove and planting trees at the JGI Tchimpounga Chimpanzee Rehabilitation Center in the Congo.
© the Jane Goodall Institute/ By Fernando Turmo

Students from Wildlife Warriors share their Roots & Shoots project with Dr. Jane Goodall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Roots & Shoots members in Shanghai, China, plant a garden for Earth Month

Students in the Kibale Environmental Education Program (K.E.E.P.) participate in a clean-up Kibale National Park where they live in Uganda.
The Photoz- Roots & Shoots Malaysia
JGI Shanghai
© the Jane Goodall Institute/ By Mie Horiuchi

Jane Goodall and Roots & Shoots members in Santa Marta, Colombia, release sea turtles.
Roots & Shoots Colombia